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Speaking List

A list of places where I’ve spoken, taught, and facilitated conversation about performance and creation

  • LUMINATO FESTIVAL: Co-facilitator of the Community Conversation on Creation, presented as part of Illuminating Works (Toronto ON 2023). Topic: Creation
  • QUEEN’S UNIVERSITY: Invited speaker and participant at the inaugural play/PLAY: Dramaturgies  of Participation Summit (Kingston ON 2022). Topics: Participatory performance, care in participatory performance
  • UNIVERSITY OF OTTAWA: Guest speaker for Gestion des Arts course for the Dept of Visual Arts (Ottawa ON 2022). Topics: Partnership development
  • UNIVERSITY OF OTTAWA: Directing advisor for MFA student Carlos Rivera (Ottawa ON 2021). Topics: Performance directing
  • UNDERCURRENTS FESTIVAL: Panel entitled Creation during COVID-19 (Ottawa ON 2021). Topic: Creation during COVID-19
  • FRESH MEAT FESTIVAL: Workshop entitled Creating and Directing New Work (Ottawa ON 2021). Topics: Directing, process design, performance creation
  • INSTITUTE FOR CURATORIAL PRACTICE IN PERFORMANCE: Presentation entitled Interdisciplinary Performance Creation as Curatorial Act (Connecticut USA 2021). Topic: Interdisciplinary performance creation and curation
  • INSTITUTE FOR CURATORIAL PRACTICE IN PERFORMANCE: Facilitator of a conversation between Eleonora Fabião (Brazil) and Jelili Atiku (Nigeria) as part of the Choreographies of the Archipelago series  (Connecticut USA 2021). Topic: Performance creation
  • PRAGUE QUADRENNIAL OF PERFORMANCE DESIGN: Panel entitled Site-Specific Performance Design and Touring (Prague, Czech Republic 2019). Topics: Site-specific performance design and touring
  • ART GALLERY OF PETERBOROUGH: [in]sites Festival panel entitled Touring Site-Specific Performance (Peterborough ON 2019). Topics: Site specific performance and touring
  • ARTS NETWORK OTTAWA: Panel entitled Community-Engaged Performance (Ottawa ON 2019).Topic: Community-engaged performance
  • ARTPRENEUR: Co-curator and co-facilitator of panels and keynotes for the conference Artpreneur (Ottawa ON 2013 – 2017). Topics: Producing in the arts